Saturday, October 31, 2009

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Monday, October 5, 2009

Careful! Your MLM Recruiting Method Could Crush Your Competition

We could discuss the traditional mlm recruiting ways of chasing friends and family and pushing your business opportunity always leads to chasing prospects and to prospecting from a position of weakness. While you may be successful with traditional mlm recruitingthe real money makers are those who are extroverted people that like to be in front of a lot of people, in other words, a super recruiter. If you are not that outgoing, sales person who loves to recruit then you will be beaten up by your competition. If you are a superstar and can lead the new members to success you should be awarethat the greater part of your team cannot duplicate the succss that you achieve. With the right system you can turn the tables and CRUSH your competition and build a stronger team if you incorporate an attraction marketing mlm recruiting model. You have just two alternatives. Recruit or be recruited.
So how do you create this attraction mlm recruiting system? If you need geater success you need to find the few who might want what you have. According to the principles of attraction marketing you must offer your potential prospects something that will draw them to you. Typically the people utilize this method concentrate more on the system itself instead of the company, product, or compensation. Just like McDonalds has a flawless system so powerful that anyone could run it - you also need a proven system for this mlm recruiting style.
In this mlm recruiting model you come to your prospect as someone fulfilling a need and reaching out with a a helping hand to others in order to help them get what they want. Mike Dillard, the author of magnetic sponsoring, states that no one who ever buys a drill comes looking for a drill, they came looking for a way to make a hole or holes. So if you were to show them how to make the perfect size and dimension holes as part of what you offer them and then say "oh, by the way, we also have these drills over here to get the job done right." According to Mike Dillard and many other millionaire network marketers who take this approach they say you will sell more drills because you provided the customer with important valuable information that will help them get what they want.
So, how can you do that in your opportunity? How can you provide value and a solution to your clients? All you have to do is market the solution to the main issue network and mlm marketers have in their mlm recruiting and that all new people to the industry will face. Their main problem is not having enough of the right people to talk to who need what they have. Hot Leads and pre-qualified prospects is what they need to know how to generate. So we show them a solution and give them advice and tools that will help them solve that problem. This can be done with free information in articles just like this one or by reviewing tools and products that will help them arrive at their solution of generating and attracting more people into their primary program. Another great thing is that you can even earn affiliate incomes off of the tools that may be part of their solution.
Just like the hole maker obtains the drill from the hole making teacher -similarly, your prospects whom you teach to market and generate leads will probably come to you to purchase your opportunity since you revealed their true needs and how to overcome the weaknesses of their mlm recruiting system.
If you apply an attraction marketing system, that is fully customizable, brands YOU as the guru,teaches your prospects for you, and provides the solution to their problems then you will crush your competition and your team to the top

Ed Przybylski from Ohio aka is a successful trainer and coach to network marekters and home business owners since 2003. Get some free marketing and leads information to promote any company and mlm recruiting at

Is Your MLM Recruiting Method Crushing Your Chances

Traditional mlm recruiting methods can crush your chances to succeed in your mlm or network marketing company.
Admittedly, there are many ways to recruit for your mlm, both offline and online, paid and free, face to face or through telephone lines or computer lines. But in the case of mlm recruiting methods there are 2 major systems of approaching reps.
The main techniquethat most business opportunities teach is to present the company, the products, and the structured pay plans. It is basically a way of mlm recruiting that emphasizes developing people skills and ultimately sales skills. You are taught toconverse with people you don't know, create interest sparking remarks that will gain the interest of acquaintances, and build relationships or connections. Now, please do not get me wrong, all of these are great skills to develop. However, not every one has those skills or is comfortable with approaching people on a regular basis to sell a product, program, company, or pay plan.
In truth, mlm recruiting this way requires a great deal of dedication and commitment and house meetings and pitching dozen at a time. If you are a socialite that loves being the star in the front of the room then, by all means, embrace this technique. You will also get to be a leader and a guide to your team and show them the ropes and nudge them constantly to more action.
While still taking the same mlm recruiting system of selling the company, product, and pay plan there are unlimited ways of getting leads and you don't necessarily need to have house meetings and chase your friends and family. You can learn to advertise and market on the web or offline. Get people that are interested in changing their lifestyle and then call them back and get them to go to your information, follow up, do three ways with your upline, and close the sale. We could discuss many variations of advertising here but this discussion is more about the styles that people use for mlm recruiting.
The one difficulty that must be overcome with this mlm recruiting method is that you are now in a difficult position. Just by virtue of this method you are now chasing the potential recruit, presenting, and getting them to jump through hoops and finally signing up. You can attempt to work from a position of leadership but at some level you NEED to recruit them into your business while they in turn do not need your opportunity. You get into this methodology of call, call, call and every time you hear NO you say Next, Next, Next…
Another methodof mlm recruiting is more of an attraction marketing system. This mlm recruiting method has people chasing you and what you have to offer instead of the other way around. This gets people WANTING to move through that system and get all the information on their own. Think for a minute, what if your potential recruits would start independantly to go through a proven system and get all the information on their own and actually call you with a few questions or just to make contact, OR MAYBE EVEN JUST SIGN UP WITH OUT EVEN TALKING TO YOU. This is the power of attraction marketing and an attraction marketing system. To get more details on this attraction marketing alternative and how to get prospects pursuing you, be sure to get more informationwith the complementry training on my blog.